Sunday, November 28, 2010

Daily Fraîme

Time scarce so no daily fraimes this weekend. To make up....a new friend. She is friendly, but not too much. Why? because she's busy, selling streetnews which she takes very seriously. I asked her if she had time for a little interview: answer was No...Photograph perhaps? Answer was Yes. Telling me she's always in for that sort a thing...BUT, not to long, cause she had to get back to work. This i very much respect and made the above as fast as i could. This Fraîme might make you think i'm mocking her, but this is absolutely not the case. It's just to show the contrast in which we live these days. Just think about what this billboard brings up in your her it probably means close to nothing...and maybe never has.
To conclude this encounter a bypasser greeted me using my name, she picked it up and asked if my name was indeed Andy, which i confirmed. "Andy, i'm going back to work if you don't mind". I didn't and left her be...but not without buying her newspaper offcourse.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Daily Frame

Some call him the cookie monsta, some R2D2. Accessorized with a delicately colorcoördinated CD-R and the upper part of a cheap trashcan he roamed the halls of Amsterdam Central Station. From all the people i saw that day, he seemed the one most uninterested with his own appearance....and content. Seemed...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jane Doe

Catching her name and asking if she actually wants to be part of this was impossible. But as the door of opportunity closed i fraimed Jane Doe as part of many irritated travellers waiting for the next train to come...or not. A fire in the NS train command centre utrecht, and a jumper somewhere between Amsterdam central station and the airport caused delays resulting in mayhem and emotions..

I wonder if the two incidents were linked...waiting in cold chaos could drive a sane man to do irrational things...

Thursday, November 18, 2010


A Quick one: some architecture very much seems this building is toppling over or has been for a while...


Let's act like this isnt my first post and i dont need àn introduction and its not freezing outside and we all love our jobs and women never bitch and men never cheat and the rent is never too damn high and nobody is ever hungry and none of us are any bit judgemental or racist and politicians never lie, or scam fellow citizens...or piss through their mailbox...(imagine hating someone that much, ladies). With these peaceful thoughts in the back of our brains welcome to my blog.....I'll be posting my pics, flix, politiks,kicks, blogs about any and, Bball, etc any language I seem to be thinking that particular day...enjoy, or don't...but please do....

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