Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Daily Fraîme

The confusion, the cold, no information on the boards. Too many people in one place so no cell reception, no buses, planes or trains, rivers freezing over, so no boats, mail delivery down....

And all this, just to get us to talk to eachother?

No really, this was just a small peek into how it would all be if we would be deprived of electricity and technology here in our little country. Man, i've seen people loose their minds in thinking they'd be home an hour later. I won't say it's all good...but it aint all that bad either....

At least the girl sitting in front of me on the way home could still smile....

Friday, December 17, 2010

Sin amongst Sins

Laid works burden down and picked up a heavy heart. Pops helps me carry it, some times more than others, and keeps me going no matter what . He had his days of labor so he just pushes, enough so I can get my legs under. That’s all he can do from up there…But that’s help enough.  He would agree these were saddest of days. If the news didn’t sadden you, it should have…You can go and say what you want and think even more… feel bad for the parents who’s kids been touched and glad it wasn’t your kids…but  they was in a way, or could been. There’s much we don’t know happening,  way out of sight. This gruesome theme makes my heart heavy. .. and my blood boil. People who know me might say there ain’t much that tussles me…. This does. This goes beyond everything. We lie, we cheat, do things all kinds of dirt….but this….I can’t imagine any god forgiving these acts. The god who does, got no reason to be called just that.
Ill keep carrying this heavy heart around till I give it a place again by reminding myself this is the way this world works sometimes , sick as it is, with the sickest of creatures on it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A million reasons for antisocial behavior

The man who stood still in a rush-hour crowd on who’s heel I stepped, which I humbly apologized for, did not return my apologetic gesture in kindness. If a stare could tear one into pieces, this stare would have done the bloody deed. I was sentenced to silence for my wobbly behavior. The judge turned his head before the defense could object. The question remains; what happened that could make us act like we do towards our fellow mammals in public? I rarely think, but when I do, nothing seems to happen, so when I stopped thinking, things came to me;
There comes a moment in time when your parents get sick of being sick of you being around and eating their food and walking in on private moments…or the other way around. You rent the first piece of shit apartment you can afford. You’re nice, innocent, a virgin in life about to be deflowered. By whom? What’s going to transform you into an aggressive  antisocial beast? Here’s one…more will follow in time…
Service providers.

Im not trying to imitate Youp..cause it's been in my head a while now and im focussing more on what contact with providers does with ones attitude...
It doesn’t matter what they provide, it’s always something you need so bad you’re willing to pay for it. And when not receiving what you pay for, you will have to fight for it…And you might win, in the end, but it might just have changed you, for the rest of your life.
Seriously, most of us have been in contact with service desks or information desks for as long as we can remember. This means we have been treated like shit by a friendly voice for decades. Ok this might be the point where you think; He’s lost it. Bare with me.
Good morning  ´Bad connection´ helpdesk this is Danny speaking. Good afternoon Danny, my internet connection doesn’t work. `Have you tried rebooting your modem?`
This is where Danny already ticks you off. Of course you´ve already tried rebooting the damn modem!!
After insulting your intelligence and  excusing himself for the fact that he can´t do more for you than is written in his script, Danny tries to get rid of you and you give up and Danny and the service provider win…again.

You have an appointment you’re running late for so you rush to the train station. Rushing through the station Danny is still in your head, mocking you…while a female voice tells you your train has been cancelled, this puts you to a sudden and complete stop in the midst of a  rush-hour crowd just when you feel  the back of your heel being stepped on….

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Daily Fraime

Random..picked from the archive to express how much summer misses me.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Daîly Fraîme

Alone with thoughts there is no distance to be found. Whatever appears from tomorrow's nothing will be just that. Today I remain with my head in the clouds.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Daily Fraîme

Talking 'bout taking matters into own hands...In Eastern Russia youngsters calling themselves 'partizani' were fed up with corrupt cops. A fair warning was made in a letter stating that if they didn't change their corrupt ways they would learn the hard way. Hereafter
putting money where their mouth is....attacking and even killing police officer's. Seems the locals support these youngsters also being fed up with the corruption. Above an young Russian girl stepping out of a Lada in a what seemed to me somewhat gangsterlike fashion.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Daily Fraîme

Time scarce so no daily fraimes this weekend. To make up....a new friend. She is friendly, but not too much. Why? because she's busy, selling streetnews which she takes very seriously. I asked her if she had time for a little interview: answer was No...Photograph perhaps? Answer was Yes. Telling me she's always in for that sort a thing...BUT, not to long, cause she had to get back to work. This i very much respect and made the above as fast as i could. This Fraîme might make you think i'm mocking her, but this is absolutely not the case. It's just to show the contrast in which we live these days. Just think about what this billboard brings up in your mind....to her it probably means close to nothing...and maybe never has.
To conclude this encounter a bypasser greeted me using my name, she picked it up and asked if my name was indeed Andy, which i confirmed. "Andy, i'm going back to work if you don't mind". I didn't and left her be...but not without buying her newspaper offcourse.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Daily Frame

Some call him the cookie monsta, some R2D2. Accessorized with a delicately colorcoördinated CD-R and the upper part of a cheap trashcan he roamed the halls of Amsterdam Central Station. From all the people i saw that day, he seemed the one most uninterested with his own appearance....and content. Seemed...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jane Doe

Catching her name and asking if she actually wants to be part of this was impossible. But as the door of opportunity closed i fraimed Jane Doe as part of many irritated travellers waiting for the next train to come...or not. A fire in the NS train command centre utrecht, and a jumper somewhere between Amsterdam central station and the airport caused delays resulting in mayhem and emotions..

I wonder if the two incidents were linked...waiting in cold chaos could drive a sane man to do irrational things...

Thursday, November 18, 2010


A Quick one: some architecture nearby...it very much seems this building is toppling over or has been for a while...


Let's act like this isnt my first post and i dont need àn introduction and its not freezing outside and we all love our jobs and women never bitch and men never cheat and the rent is never too damn high and nobody is ever hungry and none of us are any bit judgemental or racist and politicians never lie, or scam fellow citizens...or piss through their mailbox...(imagine hating someone that much, ladies). With these peaceful thoughts in the back of our brains welcome to my blog.....I'll be posting my pics, flix, politiks,kicks, blogs about any and everything...music, Bball, etc enz...in any language I seem to be thinking that particular day...enjoy, or don't...but please do....

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